Friday 23 December 2011

The 2 Tales

Storyline on youtube coming soon... you will see what I am about. What happened to that girl that went to MuchMusic to writing poetry. The night & day of things & the proof of it all

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Keshia Chante hosts at Jukebox Live - Pickering

Although not performing Keshia Chante hosted here in Pickering & DJayed as well. I got to chill out with KC & her mom, we talked about her new album that she is working on for release in January 2012. New material & this #KCRyder was pretty surprised that the McGee firm & Tanjola brought them here after my request on Eventful took 2 days before actually coming here on November 24th. Which was a day before my birthday which it was real special to find out that it was that fast. I appreciate Keshia Chante & the whole Tanjola staff for her coming to a small town like this. I was real nervous though to talk to the rest of her crew because they were a little bit unapproachable. Thanks to Kevin & KC's mom  Cheers.                                                                                         
OH & KC DJed the night. She was awesome. That DJMike was playing great night & both of them were a great tag team. GO DJ CHANTE ;) good stuff. 

Thanks KC for coming to Pickering &  Thanks for the pics. Like I said see you on tour 2012. Great night had by all.                                       
Signing out. Your #KCRyder Jane.

Saturday 29 October 2011

The Spoons

Yes, I made it October 24th to the alumni concert at Centennial College and it was fun! The opening act was ok. But when The Spoons, it was all fun. They performed all there classic songs & some new joints.
The concert was fun & I enjoyed it. I had more fun after their performance. I knocked on the concealled window they were in & of in the spirit of me I gave a huge smile,wave & two thumbs up. After that I went to the VIP section to walk & eat, meet the hosts & get pics with them. I got a pic with the guitarist /  vocalist lady which was really good. I got a pic with Humble & Fred. It was awesome to meet them all. Even talking to the keyboardist & drummer/frontman of the band /talking to them was cool.
I enjoyed it & plan to see more shows.  It was a pleasure to be in the presence of them. All my pics, that I will repost it on my media page.

Friday 21 October 2011

Friday 14 October 2011

Checking In - 2 days for the Centennial College Alumni Concert

Yes, yes. The time is dawning near for Saturday & I have VIP Tickets as a Alumni member may be just like everyone else to be near the stage. I am excited to not just see The Spoons but seeing Jake Gold, possible appearance of Liz West, Fred & Humble, Micheal Williams among others. Glad that I get a chance to be at the epi-centre of this. See you there.                                 

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Fan Expo 2011

Hello Everyone,
  So as you can see I went to Fan Expo 2011. I had a enjoyable time. I did walk in circles a lot. LOL not noticing I did in the beginning. I went 2 days of the 4 days of the event. I should of went every single day. I have to say though. Next year I plan to make a better effort of it!

I would like to say. It was a little intense then what I go through on a normal basis with the musician side of things. Since it was my first year, I was very unprepared of what happens there. I spent walking aimlessly in different booths and check out the whole event. Next year which in fact I will go to the
Q & A's and then go get autographs and get pics. I will make a better effort to stay down there so I don't miss anything.

I had taken video but due to some copyright infrigment according to the Fan Expo people. You cannot see one of my video's that I had 8 minutes of. OMG! I could understand. So I guess I have to try to show you through my FB account. You can view one of my video's.

Check out:

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Aaliyah Dedication from Keshia Chante

Hello Everyone,
I would just like to say I have been a very dedicated Aaliyah fan since the beginning of her career and seen a lot of Aaliyah covers done but not as impressive I have than Keshia Chante. (Not just cause I am a Keshia Chante fan and ryder) but this caught my attention when I saw a lot of pointing out that even the Aaliyah fans were loving it too!

Monday 5 September 2011

For All My Amerie Fans: I found some editing I did from 2005

Hey Amerie Fans,
    Do you remember all the promo stuff from Ameriie's from the Touch Album. Well I was digging for some things and I ran into some editing I did from 2005 during this time period.

Check it out!

Vintage Video Picks: Days Go By by Dirty Vegas

Hello Everyone,
   It is your girl MusicAddictJane with a tune in of my collection of vintage video and song picks. I hope I can do this weekly or even daily of songs I forgot I have somewhere that I have forgotten. I was looking in my external drive and I found Days Go By by Dirty Vegas song hidden deep within file back ups. You may have remember this song. If not, then now you know. I couldn't find the original video so I found the acoustic version.


Wednesday 17 August 2011

Fan Fare Expo - August 25th to 28th

So this is my short blog of my appearance for Fan Fare. I plan to go there on Thursday after work. Friday I will be working.

Saturday and Sunday will be a full day of excitement. So will have video and blog dates closer to that.

We will see you around.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Remembrance Day 2000/2001

I entered a contest for the Royal Canadian Legion back in 2000 for their Senior Essay/Poem Category and locally I won nationally in Ontario January 13th for Branch 13 in Scarborough while I was still in high school. All across Canada I won 2nd place. Just missed being the top to go to Ottawa and be part of the Rememberance Day for a year later November 2011.

It was very excited to win something I love to do and get a pay check for it for one time.

It was for me something I thought I couldn't do but made it very close.

The Rememberance Day Poem I wrote:
It was more than decades ago
When the first bombs destroyed many nations.
It all seems so senseless
The death and destruction of God's creation.

Families watched helplessly
As men filed out the door
To preserve their nation's values
And all they stood for.

through all this, one thing remained.
Silence - it was everywhere.

The quiet anxiety of what lay ahead -
As cries of anguish and pain filled the Dominion.
The loss of life, the possibility of death -
While loved ones hoped for a peaceful reunion.

The crash of bombs and warplanes took many lives
These will never be replaced, but there is hope
That at least once a year, we can gather to reflect and remember
Canada's valiant -    lost forever.

Through all this one thing remains.
Silence - it is everywhere.

It came again - in the land of the Maple Leaf
There was destruction and war and an air of grief.
Why such senselessness, why such hate
We must stand up for peace before it's too late.

There comes a time when every woman and man
Should take a stand against war - to stand up and fight
Not to bear arms to conquer or build to destroy.
Then and only then can things turn out right.

All through the ages, silence remained.
Ignoring the wars, the destruction and pain.

Don't let the silence live on - show that you care
So that one day we can hope for peace everywhere.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Amy Winehouse - Great talent dies at 27

So I just got home a few minutes ago and went on my twitter, only to find out that Amy Winehouse was found dead at her apartment at the age of 27. Such a great talent wasted. She is year older than me and I cannot believe she died too soon. I mean I never met her or seen her performance, what a shame on me because that was one of the things to do on my list. I am kind of not shocked though because she did spend a lot of time in rehab. If she, only realized that she was talented and not spend time drinking and on drugs she could been in the studio and making a new album, because I think she made some real great albums that she came out with. Her voice will haunt us and her music will last as the classic artists that died of tragedy too soon before making themselves great they died with a short legacy.

My condolences to her family and family because for real Amy Winehouse was a true talent of words and I know that gets thrown out a lot. But even if I wasn't a HUGE FAN but a fan that respected music, she was on one of my respected song writers and artists I have on my list and that is pretty long. She inspired a deep and soulful pop/urban genre which is really ever seen these days with hard beats and upbeat tempos, she was a gem of one of those people that you can get you out of a dark place to relate to and can get you out of a terrible situation. Unfortunately for her she didn't a chance to get herself out of it. I know some people who were in a dark situation and later have come out of it because they knew that they couldn't go at that dark path and it wasn't worth it at the end of the day to make themselves better.


Monday 11 July 2011

Nina Sky Night 2010

Hey Everyone,
   This is MusicAddictJane just doing a quick throwback to my night with Nina Sky. To be honest, I was just there to watch the ladies not to join them on stage, but that was fun. Getting on stage with Nicole and Natalie Albino was I think the greatest experience to feel what a artist goes through the eyes from a fans stand point. Here are some video of that night from February 10th, 2010.

My Review from my personal Facebook account and experience:

So Friday night was a amazing night. The reason why I think so i was contemplating about not going because of the lateness of it supposedly starting at eleven pm which didn't start until after one am. It supposedly started at The Skybar at The Guvernment nightclub but because of the wind and the coldness of outside, the DJ announced that it was cold and breezy to perform there so it was moved one floor down to The Drink. But before all that I was thinking of not coming but while doing chores (mowing the lawn) I heard "I Got A Feeling" by The Black Eyed Peas and some go out song I didn't know where it was coming from but I think it was a sign to just go. I am glad I did because it turned out to be a amazing night. I mean it started out for the longest night but the wait was very much worth it. After one pm and proceeding from the windy night and seeing Nina Sky come and head down one level, I didn't know where they were so i had to track down the assistant to the event co-ordinator at around one-fifteen to one-twenty am and songs being played . I found him and he was pointing that the two ladies were sitting there. It didn't click that he was pointing were they were sitting right where I was. I had to walk at first to notice that they were there. Of course I went over without any nervousness because I met a couple of famous people before.
I went to introduce myself of who I was the lady who asked for the flyer by twitter and my gmail account and introduced myself by name. My guy friend who I brought that night to take two pictures. It was supposed to be one, but I wanted to be sure that they turned out great. That is all I wanted to get pics and enjoy the night of their performance.
Later that night say around one thirty-five and on ward they did a song interlude and Nicole was singing "This is fun" and then the music played on.

By the two am hour the ladies of Nina Sky performed a couple of songs like Beautiful People, Move Your Body by request, a tribute to The Eurthymictics "Sweet Dreams" sung by Natalie, and had a interlude after Move Your Body later into You Ain't Got It. During the time between Move Your Body and You Ain't Got It Nicole picked me up stage and got me to move the George Brown students; also during those songs Natalie passed me her microphone during that time. But I got to help out singing You Ain't Got It with Nicole and let me interlude with them with Natalie beside me cheering me on. I think I got the crowd going when being flat cause they were busy taping it and it took my energy and confidence with Nina Sky beside me had me forgetting that I was on stage and getting off the stage and thanking the ladies for inviting me and let me perform with them. I got a lot of stares and looks of people wondering who I was. Honestly that was FUN and if I had to do that again I would.

I appreciate this out of of anything and meeting certain people this is one of the things that tops everything I have done meeting famous people around 2004, 2006-2007.

By the end of the night after having a wonderful time at the club and leaving the club by 3am I saw the assistant event co-ordinator of George Brown college, Nicole, her girlfriend (i think) and maybe a bodyguard or a rep of Nina Sky leaving the club and heading into their car and I yelled out to Nicole and told her to have a wonderful night and thanks for everything again and the co-ordinator and I heard her say "You're welcome" and I think from a far say "thanks for ripping the mic with us and you're pretty good up on the stage up there with us" and them waving bye at each other/Nicole giving me the thumbs up and pointing at me. This whole experience was definitely the highlight of this whole week for me, even months I say cause I never experienced what it was like to get up and rep, even sing in front of a crowd with your favorite artist I never experienced something like that before. I never even have been on stage in front of audience but I guess when you are in the moment, you forget where you are when you get on stage and just feed off the energy of the crowd.

Sure pics and autographs I have done before but nothing like I experienced with Nina Sky that night have gotten me to experience what it feels like to be a fan and perform with the artist on stage.

I truly thank them for that opporturnity and they know that.

                                                                   Best pics of the night:

Video they are most known for or people remember them by:

Personal Favorite Video's By Them:

Throwback Part 1: Paul Wall

So I am going to say that took place in 2006 and I think this has to be the most interesting and a great meeting with Paul Wall because this is the year this is the first male celebrity and nonetheless a Southern Rapper. If you have seen his grill on TV, to be honest that doesn't do him justice until you see him live with it.
I am so glad I got a picture with him cause he got swag but is cool, calm and collective Southern Grillz. Been awhile but most people would remember this video.

Thanks to my friend who took this picture for me with him on the side of him:

I would like to thank Much On Demand back in the day at Much Music for that opportunity to get to meet Paul Wall, been around for awhile as a fan and I thought dang, nice grills and iced out jewels.

Monday 4 July 2011

Shooting Star & Set U Free Performed by Keshia Chante - From a Fans Perspective

Hey y'all,
   This is a quick post for Keshia Chante's Set U Free and the premier of Shooting Star from your newest Street Team Member of Keshia Chante's.




I'm starring at this reflection of myself
Starring at this mirror
Looking at myself
Got me wondering
When this launch pad
Of happiness I am seeking for
Got me questioning
Did I take the right path

Cause you got me seeking you
Out from far away
You got me doing things
I thought I wouldn't be doing
Around the others
I'd call you up
And texting you up
Cause it seems that they've
Failed cause you'.re the teacher of a lesson
That I've been wanting to learning
I've been a secret admire
For the longest time
Wanting that valuable
Lessons that I won't be
Regretting cause their teaching isn't affective
Makes me want to reach you
All night, got me saying
Things I wanted to say all my life

I'm finding this the right time to seek you out
And I'd be lying
To myself if I never said it
But now you know it
Cause I feel like my heart is in it
The right time to say
That I wish you were mine
But we far away so we say it
Over the phone
Fause the distance between us
Makes me want to just appear
Cause this life
I'm  leading
Ain't satisfying me
Although I made it look that way
I need you here and this other
Dude has got me pretending that I just
Wish you were here cause I
See he's tripping
That he knows he can't have me
Cause the chance was there
But he takes pictures
Wanting what he can't have
But he became nervous and I feel like that I got to move on
Cause it's just a friendship
And will always will be
Until it may to late

I'm looking for more than this friendship
Cause I want it to be more
And I think I found someone
Who's got my temperature peaking when it's lonley
He is the one I'  m thinking of
Cause he's fast and efficient
And has got me excited once again
To live the life I'm leading
Cause he gets what I'm needing
This reflection I am starring at
Is happening so
Fast that I'm denying the fact
That you ain't going as as I like you to be
So every excuse for me to this man is
To dream of to be at envy of all the bloggers and fashionistas
To be part of the world I've been longing for to fit in
So I dream big
To be in their status quo
Just to give the need when other parts of me
Aren't fulfilled
This is where I feel life is fulfilling!

Thursday 30 June 2011

Keshia Chante at the Guess Flagship Opening

Good Evening Everyone,
   This is your girl MusicAddictJane reporting on how the event was on Keshia Chante's Birthday: June 16th, 2011. 
    I arrive at the Guess Flagship store a little early as planned, but parking was very hard to find due to the fact the MMVA's shut down Queen St. West for this Sunday June 19th. I found parking around the John Street enterance near the movie theatre. As the day progressed. I found the location walking with my GPS finally (lol). There was a lot of media and there were a lot of people. The line was crowded and had people wondering what was going on and the invite for the store was small, luckily though there was a second floor.

As the day progressed. I went shopping of course and put some money down. Not just for the fun of it, but to support Canfar which Keshia Chante is youth embassador for. Also if you bought stuff, you get free things too like a goodie bag. Love what I found in it. There are a lot of things that I discovered in there. Guess and Flare you all are generous. The event also brought a performance of acoustic versions of Table Dancer and Set U Free.

I love the performance because it sounded raw and very awesome. During that time, fellow KC Ryder Michelle (@mcindahouse) and her twin sister Clara joined me but missed the whole performance getting their pics on but of course in the H&M cause it was her birthday so I thought it was time to give her something back, after touring and performing on the road constantly over the years. LOL she almost was going to give it back to me and tried attempt wise to put the gift card in my bag, I refuse. She tried to trick me by putting in what I had purchased/swag back at the Guess Flagship store, but I was smart and try to block her from returning it to me. She was overwhelmed by it and thought that was sweet.

It was fun, seeing her perform Table Dancer and Set U Free acoustic style. I got even a wave during the performance of the acoustic version of Set U Free. After she was taken away to the elevator for a change and having Steroes (& supposedly J Diggz was supposed to be there but didn't show up) singing a Happy Birthday to her... what I didn't know when we left to hang out with the media upstairs and talk for a bit as well as get our photographs on, we miss Keshia Chante downstairs, for how long, don't know.

 Enjoying the time seeing the media and the music upstairs, Keshia was downstairs. lol, smart on my part not thinking she was going to be still around. Me & fellow #KC Ryders Michelle and Clara we noticed something and we didn't know that Ms. Chante was on the main floor. We headed down as fast as we could and did our best to get Keshia's attention but decided to wait until the media did their interviews and what not.

During that time frame we finally got Keshia Chante's attention after the media interviews and breaks we got to talk with her, get a hug from her, got some photographs and talk. That was so exciting to be able to chill and talk with her for awhile, she thank us for coming out and representing. To add to that bonus I finally got to meet and talk with Tessa Agnelo and got to hang out with her behind the scenes, exciting moment of my life (lol)! besides meeting Keshia Chante of course. We talked for a bit and I think I was excited to meet Ms. Agnelo and we watched on while Ms. Chante got interviewed more. We got to talk about what was coming up for Ms. Chante for the album and the excitment surrounding it, also the video for Set U Free which was days of its premier of the New Music Live event. It was so much fun hanging out like that and kind of being part of the behind the scenes event like that. I think the security guard/tour manager was nice of me to talk with KC and say our final goodbyes and that was the icing on the cake for me and fellow KC Ryders Michelle and Clara (Fashionistas) that we got to chill with Keshia Chante. Meeting everyone of importance there, was I think the best thing I could of been a part of.

Ms. Chante and Ms. Agnelo was cool, even the security guard was cool of me going up to Keshia like that. LOL of the security guard spotting me like that. This video below is my favorite because I get everyone in the shot.

Favorite video's of the night:

Favorite Pics:

Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Collection Pics: The Years of time spent through

Hey Everyone,
   So this may take time and all. But I have a collection of pics of everything from pictures to autographs. Each has a story of its own and will take time to share what the stories behind them. The stories behind all my appearances is interesting than what you may see through thse pics.

That will be soon, but enjoy for now what you can see. Oh and video's OMG... So much.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Sound On Series Part. 1: Keshia Chante

Good Afternoon Everyone, 
   It is your fellow KC Ryder  & Street Team of Keshia Chante MusicAddictJane or Jane whatever you want to call me.

   I got some great news that Keshia Chante has already shared: On Much Music Countdown Set U Free has debuted on the charts as #28. Very excited. If you haven't seen the video. The video is Sexy and classy. Keshia Chante has grown up.  I see the product placement Contiki and Mars or Nars make up. LOL! Anyways I love the video and everyone can agree that they love it too!

This video I believe has brought Keshia Chante back to the industry. I am so glad I also got to hear the new single Shooting Star. I was there for New Music Live for her interview. It wasn't such a good day because of the Rain and the Much Music Awards just finished but I was there for the whole interview.

Oh and to all the haters. Really... you don't even know her so bug off. Don't judge someone you haven't met.

It was awesome and still is. Congrats Keshia Chante and see you on the road. Love the new video and all your performances. I appreciate every show I have seen you at. You are just the kindest person I have ever met... see you soon on tour. Very appreciative that I can be a KC Ryder & street team member.  I got more video and stuff coming soon. This is part 1 of the last 4 or 5 events I was at.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Check It Out

Hello to everyone out there.

I officially now syncing my MusicAddictJanesWorld page with a new Facebook Page.

Check out my new Facebook page and look for: MusicAddict Jane.
I am going to move a lot of people out of my personal page so I can post whatever I want there content wise.

So see more... updates and review of Keshia Chante's Performance at the Guess Flagship Store and behind the scenes, while there was so much press and media there.... I got a perspective from the fans side.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Appearance & Campaign For Keshia Chante's Day & Night Album

Hey Everyone,
   Good evening this is your musicaddictjane representative and I am currently doing my 2011 music rounds. You may ask why? I do it for the fans and represent music everywhere. Curretnly making my rounds to see for the very first time Shawn Desman perform at the Bloor-Yorkville Festival. I have seen KC a lot in performance but I am interested to see in the rounds what she sounds like, cause so far it has been different to every event I have been to of hers. It never sounds the same but sounds pretty good.

I know that Keshia Chante is releasing her new album later this year called Night & Day after the original title got changed recently. To the KC Ryders we all know that a promo called "Test Drive" was released this year which is part of her Night aspect part of her album which is the R&B version of her CD. The Day album consists of Set U Free (video premiere offically on New Music Live - June 23rd) and Table Dancer which are my favorite songs.

Just to know I am on my way to see Keshia Chante on two dates for sure: Invite only for the opening of the Guess Flagship Store (June 16th - which is Keshia's Birthday) which starts at 7pm to 9pm (could go longer than that) and $5 donations go to Canfar. I already got my invite.

 Also Father's Day is not just exciting to see Keshia Chante perform again which is the day of the Much Music Video Awards (possible stop by the Red Carpet may be... trying to win a wrist band this week) but my first time besides TV to see Shawn Desman perform. Very excited about that. The event is free for both their concerts at Bloor-Yorkville Festival.

I am on my way to schedule myself to seeing Keshia on June 23rd on New Music Live. I hope for a call back soon.... or else I am harassing them. LOL! hahahahaha. I know that she is going to doing something special there, so I plan to be there. Working around that. I know that she is premiering her new video for Set U Free that day, I plan not to miss that. I know the video is going to premier sooner on Vevo before hand.

Count me in there #KCRyders & Luvkeshiachante sites to be making my appearances there soon. Oh and the Shawn Desman fans too. I make sure you have something to check out. I met him in person once, but I am working on trying to get something special to rep all the fans there. I may ask Keshia a couple of things that day when I see her. I will make sure I will be fully awake to get all the events down pat.

See you all to a event near you... Keshia Chante wise and some other music icons I plan to be at if I can. Working hard for you. 

Your MusicAddictJane

Thursday 2 June 2011

Pepsi Throwback Pics Pt. 1- May 31st 2011

Hello everyone,
   So it is I, Musicaddictjane bringing you a lot of pics and video soon of the whole Pepsi throwback event. Working on the video aspect. But for now it is just pictures.

I thank the good people *Shauna Simon* at Praxis Inc., Pepsi, Cassie Stuart, and of course Keshia Chante for inviting fans once again through a sold out event media invite sponsor again.

Yes the theme was 80's and The Spoons performed.

It was a amazing show and my older cousin for almost backing out on me after text convincing that it was too late for her to back out the last moment; which she didn't and later didn't regret, after having a long day between us. I had to do some important business thing I signed up for 2 hours before arriving.

Constantly checking my email, twitter and facebook. As well as networking with someone I recognized from the Contiki party Michelle and talking with her about what the heck we were wearing and meeting up later that day. After the messaging and wishing each other luck, I forgot it was time to bounce because I had to pick up my cousin at her house and it was almost a disaster on my end cause she was "tired" and said she didn't feel like coming... I had to like i said no backing out cause your name is on the guest list. A hour around 5:10 pm I pick her up. I know I was running late and all picking her outfit and whatnot...

After arriving there and doing the outfit pick it is almost 6pm. I don't panic because showing up to these events is a long drag and being in so many I thought, good thing I didn't show up early. During that time, traffic... don't like taking public transit cause that would have taken even more time, really. After the 6:15pm to 6:27pm we find a parking spot, I parked the car and then we started to walk.

Of course I never been to Revival so we had no idea where we were going and we finally noticed it after crossing the wrong side of the street but we were on the right side before; thank goodness GPS. OMG! So it is like 6:35 pm roughly and of course I didn't see the MC or the band at all at this place, just other Twitter members and people. 
A few minutes later I see Keshia walk in a few minutes later behind us as me and my cousin are signing in. LOL. Of course I had turned around and talked to her and say HI, give her a hug and thanked her for being able to see her again and asked her later if I can get a picture later on (she agrees, I let her go on her way cause people are trying to talk to her and whatnot) and this time she was MCing, which gives MC hosts to mingle with the crowd. My cousin tells me wow, lucky me and says Keshia is really pretty. *awwwwwwww* I let her go on the way and I get myself a Pepsi of course with seeing free food being served as well as chips. We get settled in a few and I finally tap Ms. Chante if I can get more than one picture with her just in case you know if the other picture messes up. LOL @ me. As the night progresses Keshia hosts and talks with the crowd with Cassie Stewart about the Pepsi/Tweet Event and then the introduction with The Spoons around 7:10pm they perform a couple of their hits and a new song.

I thought they were great live for honestly a band I didn't hear of to be honest until I youtube them and thought one of their hits sound familiar. I was born in 84 so I kind of missed a little bit of them when they came out.

Later that night, it progressed to the best dressed portion for the guys and the girls.  Seriously the guys really got competitive. yes @hawaiian guy... for breaking your glasses and scaring a little bit of Keshia... OMG! Funny but creepy moment of the night. Wow, seriously... The other two guys and best friends apparently got Keshia sweating dancing to Thriller and another song... Really had a fun night. Oh and it was really nice to meet Michelle with her Madonnna looking outfit. Nice stuff!

During the breaks I tried to talk to Keshia's future event appearances but it was loud, I couldn't hear her that well and she couldn't hear me that well that I understood a few things where she may be. I appreciate everything Ms. Chante. We will see you soon.

Another successful night. Love the whole 80s thing. Made me at the night go home and watch Take On Me by Aha.

After getting home. Yes, I got some people at the retro twitter event follow me including Pepsi. Hello to all those who now follow me via Twitter. What up!

Thursday 26 May 2011

February 2003 - (First of my Flow 93.5's Love Zone Poems)

Good Morning Y'all.

So I went to find the binder of stuff I wrote poems I wrote and they are all in a binder. I discovered one of my I think 5 or 6 poems at the time for the station back in the day.

Greatful Love (You Make Me Whole) Written February 2003
Your love is like a unexplainable energy
That I can't deny
And hide my feelings
Towards you but emotionally shy
To tell you I write this rhyme
Because you bring out
The hidden side of me
That I try to burry hidden in me
Is a great feeling of sensual emotion
The many things I love about you
Because without you I wouldn't
Know what to do like a missing
Piece to make me the individual
Person I am today as a expressionist of complete
Emotion today you make me whole
Because I would feel empty
Of emotional rhymes without your help
You are that missing page I've been
Searching for like a secret admiration/crush
To fill the denial part of me
And I'm greatful for you always and forever

Wednesday 25 May 2011

2003 Era: Vivian Green Chat Room

Ok, so it is now June 14th, 2003. I was about 8 years old at the time and there was no other place I'd kind of wanted to be at the time. There were about may be 4 artists at the time I always wanted to talk to: Amerie, Aaliyah, Vivian Green and of course Sugar Jones cause I was a huge fanatic of them. I mean don't get me wrong I liked other artists at the time but that was my main other artists I like.

I was really glad to join this cause I think that even though this was a 5 page chat. I occupied about 3 pages and had 4 questions answered. I was really excited that hey, I got to talk to not just talk with Amerie at that time but Vivian Green because I thought her soulful voice from her debut album "A Love Story" was a soulful album of that time.

I can remember that I was tired by the end of it but I had to watch my show back then during this period. When Columbia Records had its finest artists at it's time I think.

I can remember the chat though and multi-tasking during this time. I wasn't at all expecting to get so many questions asked during this time, that shocked me as being part of a chat session since Sugar Jones with a combination of the Amerie replies. I think for me being this age, was where I discovered that music was my home and that things could happen when you make it happen. Loved it. See my pink highlighted parts through the attachments below where I asked questions and this was the start of Music Fan(atic) generation until this day partially.

Thanks Vivian Green. I love all your music still. Taking it back to my favorite song of this time.

About Music Addict Jane

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Fan of the entertainment industry. I am a Poet/Lyricists that was officially established in 2002. Although writing much earlier in her elementary days. My history as a poet lyricists officially started in 2002-2005 in poetry contest and local radio stations. Although she did start a little earlier than that just to get some international recognition both as a poet and making a name for myself as a fan. Besides writing poetry I have been interviewed in 2002 for the Catholic Register for World Youth Day in a TTC Subway car and I have been interviewed as fan of the month for Ameriie in 2004 for a fan site and also been interviewed by the Centennial College Courier around 2004-2005. Musicaddictjane has met a few musicians, attend a few concerts & events, met many tv personalities and a acting cast. She has established herself as a fans fan of many people and has gotten a lot of recognition over the years until this current and present time. Her current representation for LuvKCFansite; Keshia Chante has got her recognition on both her site and her fan site. Her journey continues on...