Friday 6 July 2012

Summer Blog - Version 1

Part 1: So this summer had brought me everywhere. Let's start off with early season of Canada Blooms. It was awesome because of the amazing floral arrangements and the Juno Rocks Gardens. Looking at the arrangements was awesome. I enjoyed walking around and taking it all in. I was searching to see if Royal Wood, Sarah Sleen & Keshia Chante were to be found but nope. I wanted to get a pic with all three, but miss them. Oh well... next event. Thanks Canada Blooms for a secret shopping enjoyment as well.

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About Music Addict Jane

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Fan of the entertainment industry. I am a Poet/Lyricists that was officially established in 2002. Although writing much earlier in her elementary days. My history as a poet lyricists officially started in 2002-2005 in poetry contest and local radio stations. Although she did start a little earlier than that just to get some international recognition both as a poet and making a name for myself as a fan. Besides writing poetry I have been interviewed in 2002 for the Catholic Register for World Youth Day in a TTC Subway car and I have been interviewed as fan of the month for Ameriie in 2004 for a fan site and also been interviewed by the Centennial College Courier around 2004-2005. Musicaddictjane has met a few musicians, attend a few concerts & events, met many tv personalities and a acting cast. She has established herself as a fans fan of many people and has gotten a lot of recognition over the years until this current and present time. Her current representation for LuvKCFansite; Keshia Chante has got her recognition on both her site and her fan site. Her journey continues on...