Tuesday 17 July 2012

Summer Blog Version 3 - The Thompson Hotel

Good morning everyone,
So after a day of getting re-invited so suddenly I finally made it to the event with our house guest from San Jose. The beginning was alright to slowly arrive there. Parking wasn't so hard to find a place but more than lining up for a couple of hours to get on the patio, I thought it was ridicolous but after things were said and done, in the end it was worth it. After waiting for hours in line I finally get there & found out that it wasn't so crowded on the rooftop, there was ample amount of space there. I guess for crowd control they let a group of people in & out. But as a solo blogger I spotted Andrew, Phillip & one of the Jason's from 1 Girl 5 Gays there. I ask for multiple pics and I was real excited to have met them. After getting my pics with them, there was a professional photographer taking pics & got one more. After that I walked around to check out the view of Toronto. I have to say looking out from the rooftop was awesome. The view was stunning! After walking, I was surprised that news anchor from CP24/CP24 Breakfast Weekend Edition Pooja Honda was there. She gave me a hug and we talked for a bit.

The event re-invite was awesome. I love everything about it. The view was stunning. At the end of the day all worth just taking things in.

Thanks Thompson Hotels.

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About Music Addict Jane

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Fan of the entertainment industry. I am a Poet/Lyricists that was officially established in 2002. Although writing much earlier in her elementary days. My history as a poet lyricists officially started in 2002-2005 in poetry contest and local radio stations. Although she did start a little earlier than that just to get some international recognition both as a poet and making a name for myself as a fan. Besides writing poetry I have been interviewed in 2002 for the Catholic Register for World Youth Day in a TTC Subway car and I have been interviewed as fan of the month for Ameriie in 2004 for a fan site and also been interviewed by the Centennial College Courier around 2004-2005. Musicaddictjane has met a few musicians, attend a few concerts & events, met many tv personalities and a acting cast. She has established herself as a fans fan of many people and has gotten a lot of recognition over the years until this current and present time. Her current representation for LuvKCFansite; Keshia Chante has got her recognition on both her site and her fan site. Her journey continues on...